Azure Elastic Pool Databases

We have just moved one of our servers that was used for multi tenancy databases to an Azure Server and the databases into an elastic pool. Before we could monitor all databases on the server (about 50 of them - they are pretty small) but now it seems the limit is 5. So will I have to buy 10 licenses that will monitor the same databases as I used to use one for ?

Also how do I specify which databases to monitor ? It's seems to pick any 5.

For us now SQL monitor is not really an option any more if there isn't a way to resolve this

Any ideas ?




  • Hi James,

    Thank you for your post.

    The licensing for Azure SQL Databases is 0.2 licenses each database. So 1 license per 5 Azure SQL Databases. 

    When you add the SQL Azure Server,  all Azure SQL DB on the Azure SQL Server get added.

    In Configuration>Licensing you should be able to see the licenses that you have added and then if you scroll down you will see the licensed and unlicensed DBs, you can unlicense and license the DBs that you choose.
  • James_HJames_H Posts: 3 Bronze 1
    edited October 12, 2022 1:37PM
    Hi Ben
    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately if I remove one of the licensed elastic databases, it then automatically replaces it with another database from the pool. It doesn't allow me to have 1 less database licensed than I should.
    Any ideas ?
  • Hi James,

    This will happen until you have unlicensed all of the entities and then manually re-licensed them (or not).  As Ben said, when you add the Azure SQL Server, it adds all the databases, and when this happens they are all added "requesting to be licensed".  Only when they have been specifically unlicensed will that state be removed.  So it should only automatically re-add those which you have not yet unlicensed and once they have all been unlicensed and you have licensed those you are looking to monitor it will stay in the correct state.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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