Docu Site "SQL Backup File Converter" has a missing Point
The Site ( says "You can distribute the SQL Backup File Converter as required; you do not need to install SQL Backup in order to use it."
Thats maybe true. But you need RedGate.Usage.Client.dll & RgSqbConvHelper.dll & SQBConverter.exe & SQBConverterGUI.exe.config to run the SQBConverterGUI.exe.
Thats a point you should add to the documentation.
Thats maybe true. But you need RedGate.Usage.Client.dll & RgSqbConvHelper.dll & SQBConverter.exe & SQBConverterGUI.exe.config to run the SQBConverterGUI.exe.
Thats a point you should add to the documentation.