SQL Prompt 10.11.7 - Login to RedGate for Styles Sharing Menu Button Missing

in SQL Prompt
I've just installed the new SQL Prompt which mentions a feature about styles sharing - but I can't see the RedGate login button in the SQL Prompt SSMS menu - it seems to be missing. Has anyone else encountered this?
You can check what license SQL Prompt thinks you have by looking in the log file (usually in %localappdata%\Local\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Prompt 10) for an entry similar to this:
If you aren't sure what license you have, or what SQL Prompt shows doesn't match with what you think you have, please contact support@red-gate.com who will assist you further.
Redgate Software
2022-03-28 12:11:24.983 +01:00 [Information] Current license: Enabled = True, Activated = True, Features = BulkCodeAnalysis, BulkFormatting, CrossProductIntegration