SQL Prompt 10.11.7 - Login to RedGate for Styles Sharing Menu Button Missing

I've just installed the new SQL Prompt which mentions a feature about styles sharing - but I can't see the RedGate login button in the SQL Prompt SSMS menu - it seems to be missing.  Has anyone else encountered this?


  • AdrianBAdrianB Posts: 46 Silver 1
    edited March 28, 2022 3:08PM
    The Redgate Platform functionality is only available if you have a SQL Toolbelt Essentials subscription license. Is that what you have?

    You can check what license SQL Prompt thinks you have by looking in the log file (usually in %localappdata%\Local\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Prompt 10) for an entry similar to this:

    022-03-28 16:01:53.521 +01:00 [Information] Current license: Enabled = True, Activated = True, Features = BulkCodeAnalysis, BulkFormatting, CrossProductIntegration
    For the Redgate Platform features to be enabled, it should show PlatformSnippetSharing, and PlatformStyleSharing.

    If you aren't sure what license you have, or what SQL Prompt shows doesn't match with what you think you have, please contact support@red-gate.com who will assist you further.
    Software Engineer
    Redgate Software
  • webchapwebchap Posts: 3 New member
    Thanks Adrian.  We do have a SQL Toolbelt Essentials subscription license but for some reason in the file you mentioned the PlatformSnippetSharing and PlatformStyleSharing options are missing, I only see:

    2022-03-28 12:11:24.983 +01:00 [Information] Current license: Enabled = True, Activated = True, Features = BulkCodeAnalysis, BulkFormatting, CrossProductIntegration
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