SQL Prompt Leaves Intellisense Disabled after uninstall

in SQL Prompt
After upgrading SQL Server Management Studio to version 18.10, SQL Prompt 9 no longer worked and I had to uninstall it. However, Intellisense remains disabled. I've tried reinstalling and uninstalling SQL Prompt, but Intellisense remains disabled. Is there a registry setting or other change that SQL Prompt Uses to disable intellisense?
Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this.
I am aware that there was a change made back at the beginning of 2021 to stop the native Intellisense in SSMS from being disabled when SQL Prompt is installed. You may need to update to SQL Prompt 10 in order to resolve the issue you are seeing here. The latest version of SQL Prompt can be downloaded directly from: https://download.red-gate.com/checkforupdates/SQLPrompt/SQLPrompt_10.10.4.26165.exe.
If you continue to see this issue with the latest version of SQL Prompt install, or with SQL Prompt unstalled, the following has solved this issue for other customers in the past:
Firstly, verify that native Intellisense is enabled (Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Transact-SQL -> IntelliSense).
If this is already the case then you may need to enable both "Auto list members" and "Parameter information" (under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Transact-SQL -> General) in order for Intellisense to work as expected.
I hope this helps!
Dan Jary | Redgate Software
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