SQL Data Catalog Import doesn't show the database

Any idea why the database doesn't show up in the combo


Best Answers

  • DanCDanC Posts: 655 Gold 5
    Hi @mbolufe

    The development team mentioned there looks to be a timeout issue behind the scenes and they're looking to do a fix. 

    Once that's available I'll give you a message!

    Kind regards

    Dan Calver | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our 
    Help Center?

  • DanCDanC Posts: 655 Gold 5
    Hi @mbolufe

    The development team has just released version 7.1.21 which should resolve the issue you're experiencing!

    Would you be able to test and confirm this for me?

    Kind regards

    Dan Calver | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our 
    Help Center?


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