Can SQL Compare use a remote Git repository as the Source?

I am researching using Git to replace Team Foundation Server and want to know if it's possible to have SQL Compare use a remote Git repository as the Source when comparing?

I am proposing to use Git with SQL Source Control, such that each developer (4 of us) will have our own copies of the database which we link to our local repository. The local repository will be a clone of a remote repository. When a dev commits changes locally and initiates a pull request we will then merge the changes into the main branch on the remote repository. This part is working as intended.

From there, I want to be able use the latest version of the main branch of the remote as a SQL Compare source to compare against the database on the test server.

Is this possible? Is there a better way of doing this?

Best Answer

  • DanCDanC Posts: 652 Gold 5
    Hi @MLysons

    Absolutely, what you can do here is use SQL Source Control as the Source type in SQL Compare and then link to the local clone for that database, then you can select a specific revision or the latest and compare to your test server.

    Kind regards

    Dan Calver | Redgate Software
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