Where are the diff's for clones stored in SQL Clone.
Where are the diff's for clones stored in SQL Clone? I see the vhd's pointing back to the image, but where are the pages that get changed stored on the local server?
Best Answer
DanC Posts: 655 Gold 5
Hi @larrys
The diffs are stored in a VHD called the differencing VHD or just 'diff file for each clone according to the docs below: https://documentation.red-gate.com/clone/getting-started/how-sql-clone-works
For further information, a clone VHD differencing disk basically contains:
a) the physical path to the parent image, like \\server\share\images\myimage
b) the contents of any changed blocks compared with the image (plus an index)
Hope this helps answer your question!Kind regards
Dan Calver | Redgate Software
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