Bug - with Recompile

Hi Redgate Team

SQLPrompt cannot format the following code.

DECLARE @StatementAllTransactions nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @ParameterDefintionAllTransactions nvarchar(4000)

INSERT dbo.mTransactions
EXECUTE sp_executesql

Would be great to see a fix in the next release!




  • Hi @torsten.strauss

    I notified the developers about this and they've agreed it's a bug!

    They have this issue added onto their backlog to take review, I'll keep you posted on any updates!

    Kind regards

    Dan Calver | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our 
    Help Center?

  • Hi @torsten.strauss

    I got an update from the developers and the issue with the Microsoft SQL Parser we use for certain parts of SQL Prompt. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do here, we have actually raised an issue with Microsoft in relation to RECOMPILE in certain statements however we haven't had a response on it.

    Until Microsoft implements a fix on their side, we're a little stuck on this. 


    Kind regards

    Dan Calver | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our 
    Help Center?

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