Partition scheme / function

I am not able to get SQL Compare 8 to see partition schemes / functions.
I have one server where a database is identical except it has two partition schemes and functions. SELECT * FROM sys.partition_schemes yields results, yet an *unfiltered* compare does not show partition functions or partition schemes in the output (I scrolled meticulously through the "identical objects" panel but they were not there either, which I expected).
Is there anything special I have to do to get partition schemes and functions recognized by SQL Compare? The workaround is easy, I can just re-create the CREATE statements manually, but it would be great if the tool could do the manual work for me.
I have one server where a database is identical except it has two partition schemes and functions. SELECT * FROM sys.partition_schemes yields results, yet an *unfiltered* compare does not show partition functions or partition schemes in the output (I scrolled meticulously through the "identical objects" panel but they were not there either, which I expected).
Is there anything special I have to do to get partition schemes and functions recognized by SQL Compare? The workaround is easy, I can just re-create the CREATE statements manually, but it would be great if the tool could do the manual work for me.
Dear Aaron,
by default SQL Compare hides filegroup and partitioning information, and this includes partition schemes and partition functions. If you would like this information to be compared and shown, you need to change the comparison option "Ignore Filegroups, partition schemes and partition functions". You can access this option by going to Edit project->Options tab. By default this option is set.
Kind regards,
Red Gate Software Ltd.
I was able to find the option shortly after posting. What screwed me up was that I had enabled filters to exclude these entities (among others) since first configuring SQL Compare. So when I turned partition scheme and function back on, I didn't expect to have to go turn them on somewhere else as well.
I think a handy usability item would be to disable turning filters on/off for objects that can't be displayed no matter what due to underlying settings.
Hi Aaron,
it is a very good point you made in this post, and we will look at this usability issue for future releases.
Many thanks,
Red Gate Software Ltd.