Problems with custom migration script creating baseline

Hi am new to this, and I am trying to work out how change automation works. We have a inmemory db and want to make the first migration script (baseline) working but just get an error .
the strange thing is that this happens somewhere but not in my script. 
Can anyone help?

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Server ULTAT1W21092, Line 9
Invalid object name 'swsCashAccount01_atoska_SHADOW.dbo.__MigrationLog'.


  • cmccmc Posts: 6 Bronze 1
    Please close this as I found the problem in my script
  • Hi! The error suggests your database is missing the __MigrationLog table. Ensure the baseline migration creates this table or check if your in-memory DB setup skips creating it. Verify your configuration aligns with your migration tool's requirements. Share more details for tailored help!

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