
How can I convert the new snippet format to old?

I've updated SQL Prompt to SQLPrompt_10.6.7.19129 and I have performance issue, which should be the same to https://forum.red-gate.com/discussion/87783/sql-prompt-version-10-6-0-17688-slow-cursor-move
I tried a few old versions and found SQLPrompt_10.5.6.17542 works for me. However, SQLPrompt_10.5.6.17542 uses the old snippet format and all my snippets have already been converted to the new json format. I want to know how can I convert them back to the old format? Maybe the new json format is the source of the performance issue. 


  • Options

    Thank you for your post,

    When you convert XML to JSON, Prompt creates a backup for you in the Snippet path so your XML snippets should be in a subfolder called "backup" of your snippet folder's path.

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