DTS only finding (local) server

edited April 6, 2005 12:10PM in DTS Compare 1.x

I have been trying to sync the DTS between to SQL Servers. It only gives me (local).

Sql Compare and SQL Data Compare find both my servers (local) and (SERVER5DEV).

Why can't DTS Compare find both?


  • Hi Justin.

    This is strange behaviour as all three of the products use the same process to connect and discover servers. If you can't browse for the server then typing in the name should connect you.

    If you still are having problems with connecting there are two workarounds for this. The first is to type the following in to the server field "tcp:hostname,port" where hostname is the server name, and port is the TCP port used by SQL Server (default is 1433). The second is to use the SQL Server Client Network Utility and create an alias for the server that will for it to use the IP network library.

    I hope this helps.

    Daniel Handley
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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