Use of another SQL Database in paralled with SmartAssembly to use SA 6.9 and SA 8

I'm currently in migrating out build server which is currently in SA 6.9 to use the new SA 8.
Despite being possible to run in parallel the two softwares for compatiblity, all our error reports are stored in a Database "SmartAssembly" in out SQL Server.
Is there a away to create another database for use with version 8 ?
I can´t find any option, or have connected it to another instance in order to separate SA 6 in one DB, and SA 8 in another DB.
Any suggestion?
I'm trying this approach since possible the tables and information are different between versions.
Any help ?
Despite being possible to run in parallel the two softwares for compatiblity, all our error reports are stored in a Database "SmartAssembly" in out SQL Server.
Is there a away to create another database for use with version 8 ?
I can´t find any option, or have connected it to another instance in order to separate SA 6 in one DB, and SA 8 in another DB.
Any suggestion?
I'm trying this approach since possible the tables and information are different between versions.
Any help ?

(SA 8)
As a side note: DbCreatorConnectionString property was called MasterConnectionString in versions <= 7.4.