Tables linked as Static Data in SSC not recognized in SCA in SSMS

We have been heavily using SQL Source Control to deploy our database changes but now need a way to handle data related changes. I have started creating a SCA project from our SSC database as the source and ran into issue were the static data is not being recognized. I have not found any demos that has SSC project as the source for driving the static data in SCA in SSMS and the "Data" tab in SSMS for SCA does not appear. Our developers and data admins have been the ones to maintain those sql files directly in source control instead of having to request and wait on a DBA to pick up that static data change that is needed. Can SQL Source Control project that has tables linked as "Static Data Table" with sql files already populated with data not be picked up and used by SCA project?
Best Answers
PlantBasedSQL Posts: 187 Gold 4
Hi @gail123
Thank you for your post!
Support for Static Data has not yet been implicitly added in the Hybrid model that you're adopting with SQL Source Control and SQL Change Automation - however I will log your request with the team moving forwards.
This being said, it is possible to work around the issue, as I did here in a blog post:
Let me know if this helps or if you have further questions!
Kindest. -
Kendra_Little Posts: 139 Gold 3
Hi @gail123,
We are looking to improve on this functionality and make the ability to deploy from SQL Source Control via migrations much smoother.
Would you be open to me emailing you about possibly participating in a preview of a new tool?
Thank you very much for sharing that blog with me! It has the exact issue I am experiencing and should help allow me to keep moving forward with that information.
Thank you,
Thank you for your response and I am very interested in you emailing me about possibly participating in a preview of a new tool!