Creating package fails because user deletes itself in temporary database

I asked this question here before, but it disappeared after an edit (changed the log style from code to quote).
Using the TeamCity integration step "Redgate SQL Change Automation Build", I provided a temporary database name.
The helpful text under the field states: "Enter the name of an existing database for SQL Change Automation to use when building your database on the server.".
The build fails and in the logs I see that the user is deleting itself:
VERBOSE: SQLCompare.exe completed successfully.
VERBOSE: Altering schemas
VERBOSE: Dropping users
WARNING: The error 'The server principal "**server\username**" is not able to access the database "**dbName**"
under the current security context.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
VERBOSE: Altering schemas
VERBOSE: Dropping users
WARNING: The error 'The server principal "**server\username**" is not able to access the database "**dbName**"
under the current security context.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
I added the user again, and revoked the rights to change users and groups, after that the logs sayed:
VERBOSE: SQLCompare.exe completed successfully.
VERBOSE: Altering schemas
VERBOSE: Dropping users
WARNING: The error 'Cannot drop the user '**server\username**', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
DROP USER [**server\username**]
VERBOSE: The database update failed
Invoke-DatabaseBuild : Failed to clean the database '**dbName**' on server '**servername**'.
VERBOSE: Altering schemas
VERBOSE: Dropping users
WARNING: The error 'Cannot drop the user '**server\username**', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
DROP USER [**server\username**]
VERBOSE: The database update failed
Invoke-DatabaseBuild : Failed to clean the database '**dbName**' on server '**servername**'.
I already added filters for users and roles in the Filter.scpf file, but that does not seem to have any effect.
Any therapy that I can apply to this suicidal user?
Best Answers
LouisSomers Posts: 24 Bronze 2
The solution is to use the Filter.scpf file to exclude the user, and explicitly "override" the Filter.scpf file using the "Path to filter file" in the TeamCity build step. ("override" it with exactly the same file or else the filters will not apply at all).
After that the user lives happily ever after! -
Kendra_Little Posts: 139 Gold 3
@LouisSomers thank you so much for following up and posting the solution!
Does the user account which the build is running under have db_owner permission for the database?
Here is our guidance on permissions for the build with the different options:
Hope this helps,
VERBOSE: SQLCompare.exe completed successfully.
VERBOSE: Altering schemas
VERBOSE: Dropping users
WARNING: The error 'The server principal "**DOMAIN**\**USERNAME**" is not able to access the database "**DBNAME**" under the current security context.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
WARNING: The error 'The server principal "**DOMAIN**\**USERNAME**" is not able to access the database "**DBNAME**" under the current security context.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
DROP USER [**DOMAIN**\**other_user**]
WARNING: The error 'The server principal "**DOMAIN**\**USERNAME**" is not able to access the database "**DBNAME**" under the current security context.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
WARNING: The error 'The server principal "**DOMAIN**\**USERNAME**" is not able to access the database "**DBNAME**" under the current security context.' occurred when executing the following SQL:
SET @Success = 1
IF (@Success = 1) PRINT 'The database update succeeded'
PRINT 'The database update failed'
Invoke-DatabaseBuild : Failed to clean the database '**DBNAME**' on server '**DBSERVER**'.
Error: 4 batches failed. The first error is 'The server principal "**DOMAIN**\**USERNAME**" is not able to access the database "**DBNAME**" under the current security context.'
Stack Trace: at RedGate.Versioning.Automation.Compare.SqlProcessing.SqlExecutor.ExecuteBatches(IHaveConnectionString connectionString, IReadOnlyCollection`1 sqlBatches, Int32 commandTimeout, Action`1 logAction)
at RedGate.Versioning.Automation.Compare.Compare.SchemaUpdater.Clean(ExistingDatabase database, CompareOptionArguments compareOptionArguments)
Local parameters [connectionString = Data Source=**DBSERVER**;Initial Catalog=**DBNAME**;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False;Trust Server Certificate=True;Application Name="SQL Change Automation"]
At C:\**TeamCityPath**\BuildAgent\plugins\sqlchangeautomation-teamcity-agent\SqlCi.ps1:193 char:39