Edit Style - Preview Not Working

in SQL Prompt
Since upgrading from 10.4x to 10.5x, when I edit a Style, the preview at the bottom does not change, as I change options. This happens regardless if I use the default preview or if I have checked the Preview Current query option.
This occurs with Styles I had prior to the upgrade, and when I edit (a copy of) one of the default Red-Gate styles.
For example, under Global/List, if I switch from "commas before items" to "commas after items", the preview does not update. The same happens for all the options in all sections - any changes I make are not reflected in the preview.
SQL Prompt v Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17. SSMS 17.9.1.
This occurs with Styles I had prior to the upgrade, and when I edit (a copy of) one of the default Red-Gate styles.
For example, under Global/List, if I switch from "commas before items" to "commas after items", the preview does not update. The same happens for all the options in all sections - any changes I make are not reflected in the preview.
SQL Prompt v Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17. SSMS 17.9.1.
We have reproduced the issue and escalated it to the development team. I will let you know as soon as there is an update from the development team.