Good evening.
I have a problem restoring the style from SQLPROMPT 9 to a SQLPROMPT10.
Restore Style in SQLPrompt V.10 from SQLPrompt V.9
in SQL Prompt
The file in version 9 is in XML
and the file in version 10 is json.
Someone's already had this problem ?
thanks in advance
and the file in version 10 is json.
Someone's already had this problem ?
thanks in advance
Best Answer
ostandage Posts: 75 Silver 1
Hi @pfaurevincent
When upgrading to SQL Prompt 10.5 your old xml styles will have been stored in the following directory:
%localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 10\StylesV2-backup
Therefore you should be able to point your SQL Prompt 9 to look for styles in that directory in the Edit Formatting Styles window.
Please see this page for more information:
OwenSoftware Engineer
SQL Prompt / SQL Search
You can download SQL Prompt 10.4.7 here:
SQL Prompt / SQL Search
I'm sorry but you don't seem to have answered the original question.
This is not good. Are you saying that I now have to recreate our house styles and get them distributed to the team, just because you didn't bother to translate the XML format to JSON during a version upgrade?
Kind Regards,
Your formatting styles should have been automatically upgraded to the new format when upgrading to the latest version of SQL Prompt. If you're not already running SQL Prompt 10.5.3 please upgrade and check if your formatting styles are restored.
If this doesn't solve your problem let us know and we will open a support ticket to assist you further.
SQL Prompt / SQL Search
How do I convert the old xml format to the new json style format?
It is possible to manually upgrade formatting styles to the new format by following the steps here:
SQL Prompt / SQL Search