How can I profile queries with MariaDB using ANTS Performance Profiler?

I noticed on the ANTS Performance Profiler Overview page:
The following:
Enhanced data access profiling, with support for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL
I'd like to profile MariaDB in my app (it's the database), can someone direct me to a "how to" or otherwise provide guidance?
The following:
Enhanced data access profiling, with support for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL
I'd like to profile MariaDB in my app (it's the database), can someone direct me to a "how to" or otherwise provide guidance?
".NET executable"
Profiling mode: "Line-level & method-level timings"
Checked "Enable SQL query profiling"
...but wound up with the following on the "Database calls" tab:
"No SQL queries were recorded for the currently selected time period. If your application is making database calls, run a new profiling session and enable SQL query profiling."
I even drilled-down into the call tree where I knew a query was being issued:
We are using the Pomelo Entity Framework driver with MariaDb:
GitHub - PomeloFoundation/Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql: Entity Framework Core provider for MySQL and MariaDB built on top of MySqlConnector
Is there something special I'm missing besides checking "Enable SQL query profiling?"
Unfortunately, we currently only support the default MySql ADO.NET provider (MySql.Data.dll), while Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql uses MySqlConnector provider (MySqlConnector.dll). We don't have any ETA at the moment, but we've created an enhancement request for it with reference PP-4282 and will post here if there is any update.
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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