Views not picked up

Output from New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact suggests that views should be created, but what actually was deployed by Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact does not include them. Is there a setting i need to check to correct this?
Here's the output from New-DatabaseReleaseArtificact:
Here's the output from New-DatabaseReleaseArtificact:
Generating Deploy Preview Report...
A report will be generated containing a list of objects that will be affected during the deployment.
CREATE Table: [CSI].[module]
CREATE Table: [CSI].[module_h]
CREATE Table: [CSI].[module_t]
CREATE View: [ODS].[CSI_module]
CREATE View: [ODS].[CSI_module_h]
The tables were created but not the views. Why would the output suggest the views would be created but the Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact does not follow through? Confusing and inconsistent.
The tables were created but not the views. Why would the output suggest the views would be created but the Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact does not follow through? Confusing and inconsistent.
Thanks for posting your question.
As you've pointed out in the ticket, the root cause of this issue was discussed here:
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
SOLVED: My issue is addressed in this post.
I re-read it carefully and saw that my cmdlets were on the older version. Adding <DeployChangesForProgrammableObjects>True</DeployChangesForProgrammableObjects> to the project solved it. The default setting is False.
But what remains confusing to me is that the Azure Devops add-ons i had been using behaved differently. Deployments done via these add-ons were properly including the programmable objects even without the additional .sqlproj option. So there may be a version mismatch there which threw me.