Deploy Programmable Objects

in my SQLProj file I have the following properties set
but when I build the artifacts I get this warning and when I deploy the artifact only the Programmable objects present in DeployChangesExecutionOrder are created:
if I add
in my SQLProj file I have the following properties set
<DeployChangesExecutionOrder>c5a48ce5-0ce2-5e16-8fa2-d188a5a4d1d9|Programmable Objects\dbo\Views\vw_getRANDValue.sql;b36935ff-b062-58cc-8526-5aa7ca331f0d|Programmable Objects\dbo\Functions\RandomColor.sql;537945d8-b857-5dc0-9d2d-715d48ab841c|Programmable Objects\dbo\Stored Procedures\SetColumnDescription.sql;002c571f-e5fa-5c36-a249-f0591ac2575c|Programmable Objects\dbo\Stored Procedures\CopyColumnDescription.sql;298ba507-d23c-55bc-adcb-3c416a427e84|Programmable Objects\dbo\Stored Procedures\CreateAirline.sql;fde6dd58-9baf-5b07-984b-6bd6aa2871d0|Programmable Objects\dbo\Views\vwAllFlights.sql;f1454b58-33c8-584a-898d-3b157030858c|Programmable Objects\dbo\Stored Procedures\GetBSMFlights.sql;2fe860d8-3539-5486-81fa-78525c873696|Programmable Objects\dbo\Stored Procedures\GetFlightsbyAirlineFlight.sql;bc2d2af9-179a-58ff-bd09-3ea745915b2e|Programmable Objects\dbo\Views\vwSortingDestinationsSpecialSortFlags.sql;211536c6-8f82-5b7e-a5fb-e5681a9b7763|Programmable Objects\dbo\Stored Procedures\ReadSortingDestinations.sql</DeployChangesExecutionOrder>
but when I build the artifacts I get this warning and when I deploy the artifact only the Programmable objects present in DeployChangesExecutionOrder are created:
WARNING: DbBuildTask: Warning C:\EasyAirportFish\EA_Database\GVA\SACDB\Programmable
Objects\dbo\Functions\RandomColor.sql(0,0): Programmable Objects are disabled but there are 36 script(s) present in the
Programmable Objects folder (eg. "Programmable Objects\dbo\Functions\RandomColor.sql"). These scripts will not be
included in the build. If you wish to include them in the build, please enable Programmable Objects in Project
if I add
I get no warning and all the prog objects are correctly created on target DB... in this case the problem is that every time I generate new migrations on SCA the DeployChangesForProgrammableObjects property gets removed from the sqlproj file.
I'd like to receive some information about how to solve this issue
I get no warning and all the prog objects are correctly created on target DB... in this case the problem is that every time I generate new migrations on SCA the DeployChangesForProgrammableObjects property gets removed from the sqlproj file.
I'd like to receive some information about how to solve this issue
Best Answer
Tianjiao_Li Posts: 684 Rose Gold 5
Hi Roberto,From version 4.3.20205, we added new project setting ProgrammableObjectHandling which replaces existing setting DeployChangesForProgrammableObjects. version of SCA are you using?
thank you for your comment... some time after posting my question I had discovered that I still had the old version of SCA Cmdlets and that was the issue.
Thank you