If you're using version 4.2.20118 or higher you can go into the sqlproj file and edit it in something like NotePad++ and add the following property in the PropertyGroup section "<UseCreateOrAlterForRerunnableScripts>True</UseCreateOrAlterForRerunnableScripts>"
If you're using version 4.2.20118 or higher you can go into the sqlproj file and edit it in something like NotePad++ and add the following property in the PropertyGroup section " <UseCreateOrAlterForRerunnableScripts>True</UseCreateOrAlterForRerunnableScripts>"
The following documentation explains the option: https://documentation.red-gate.com/sca/developing-databases/concepts/advanced-concepts/comparison-and-script-generation-options
Hope this helps!
Kind regards
Dan Calver | Redgate Software
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