Getting a timeout on a Masking set

My rule runs for about 12 mins and then times out. Is there a setting I can change in Data Masker? Or is this something that needs to be changed in SQL Server itself?
When you say "times out" could you let me know a bit more information please? (the exact error message, the type of rule you're running, how many rows in the table and how many columns you're trying to mask etc. would be super helpful!)
Also if you could share the version of Data Masker you're working with, that would be great please!
Just as a 'starter-for-10' - the most often timeout issues we see relate largely to rules trying to commit too many changes at once. The logic within Data Masker for SQL Server means it tries to dynamically calculate the maximum number of rows it can update in each batch, which as you can imagine, sometimes it thinks a bit much of itself!
The easiest way to fix this, for instance in an timing out Substitution rule, would be to:
1) Add an Index refresh rule and a Row Count refresh rule to rule block 00 (dependent on the trigger manager) - just so that DMS is always up to date on what it's running against!
2) Open the problematic rule and go to the Errors & Options tab, and where it specifies the Commit Frequency as 'Default' change this to user specified. About 100,000 I often feel does pretty well, and you can tweak it either side as neccessary!
If the above doesn't help, please feel free to confirm the above information and we'll do all we can to help out
Thank you very much!
Yes please, the latest version of DMS is significantly further ahead! Please feel free to upgrade first and THEN give this a go!