Upload a schema file of a remote server

in SQL Compare
Hi all,
I have a remote server that I can't connect to it via my machine that has Red Gate Compare.
Can I extract somehow a file with the schema/proc/functions' content and use that for the comparison ?
Thanks in advance,
This help document provides information on how to compare unconnected SQL Servers.
You can either generate a snapshot file or generate a scripts folder using SQL Compare.
For the generation of snapshot files, in your SQL Compare installation folder, you will tool called SQL Snapper (RedGate.SQLSnapper.exe). You can copy this tool to the SQL Server and use it to generate a snapshot of the SQL Server database you wish to compare, further reading available here.
Once you have the snapshot file on your machine you can then use it as a data source to compare to another.
I hope the above helps.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Email: support@red-gate.com