SQL Account Lockout

I would like to get an alert notification if there's a SQL account lockout occurred. How can I do it or is there an existing matrix for this? I tried the customized one but it doesn't get into the value of 1, as the value has min -0.001 or max 0.001
SELECT IIF(COUNT(*) > 0, 0.0001,0.0000)
FROM master.sys.sql_logins
WHERE LOGINPROPERTY(name, N'isLocked') = 1
Thank you for your forum post.
SQL Monitor does not have an alert to notify when a SQL account is locked out.
It maybe possible to create a custom metric on this. Advice on creating custom metric can be found here.
There is also a web site available for Custom Metric's, where users have posted example custom metric for others to use. Maybe this one will be of help to you.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Email: support@red-gate.com