Link database to source control is failing: The specified path, file name, or both are too long.

The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
I have modified the windows filepath to accept long path names and also modified the Engine path to C:\Temp which is short. Also my file name is only 211 characters long. Any ideas as how to fix this issue?
I have modified the windows filepath to accept long path names and also modified the Engine path to C:\Temp which is short. Also my file name is only 211 characters long. Any ideas as how to fix this issue?
This is usually for the workingbase/transients folders which, when combined with e.g. a git repository path that is long can cause this issue on linking.
You may need to change the %RGTEMP% variable so that the workingbase and transients folders are created at a shorter base path (e.g. C:\RGTemp). You can follow the directions on this page under There isn't enough space on disk to set the RGTEMP variable.
Please try this and let me know if you still have any issues!
Kind regards,
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