Prompt 9 Error in SSMS 18.5

in SQL Prompt
I get the error "Encountered unknown SSMS version" at the opening of SSMS 18.5 and the prompt does not work. How can I solve this.
Best Answer
davidagriffiths Posts: 1 Bronze 1
Same behaviour for me. SSMS 18.5. SQL Prompt Tried repair. Restarted RedgateClient service. SQL prompt menu present in full in SSMS but nothing on it works.
Update: now fixed. Of course once it was broken 'Check for updates' from within SSMS was also broken but I downloaded the latest release via this forum (see - 'The latest release of SQL Prompt is available here'). Uninstalled and reinstalled. That has resolved all issues. :-)
No, you'll need to upgrade to version 10 in order for SQL Prompt to support SSMS 18.5.
Did SQL Prompt (excuse the pun) prompt you to update?
Major releases are free for users with a current Support and Upgrades contract.
If you don't have a current Support and Upgrades contract, installing a major release will start a free 14-day trial. If you wish to continue using that major version you'll need to purchase an upgrade.
SQL Prompt 10 will likely still work when connected to a SQL Server 2005 instance, it just isn't formally supported any more. Therefore, you should still be able to use it.
Redgate Software
Please note RedGate that I am still seeing this message despite the fact that I have upgraded to SQL Prompt 10. Running SSMS v18.5 and SQL Prompt v
What is my next move here @Sarah B ?
The fix for SSMS 18.5 support was only released in SQL Prompt v10.1.4, so you'll need to update to that version.
Redgate Software
I can confirm I did the update to that version and the issue is now resolved
I find it very disappointing that a "dot" release of SSMS breaks a tool as popular as SQL Prompt, forces an upgrade to same, and the incompatibility is not called out.