Error When Adding Server

HI All
When attempting to add a server i am getting the following error: -
No objects returned from WMI Class Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor with condition Name = '_Total'
I have removed and re-added the server but same error, tried different credentials (including admin) and still same error. Does anyone have any ideas?
When attempting to add a server i am getting the following error: -
No objects returned from WMI Class Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor with condition Name = '_Total'
I have removed and re-added the server but same error, tried different credentials (including admin) and still same error. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi @SteveWWHA,
Sorry to hear you're running into an issue!
Can I please check the operating system of the server?
This problem may be due to a corrupted performance counter or wmi repository.
Can you please first try the following on the problem server:
1. From an elevated command prompt - run
winmgmt /verifyrepository
. Then stop the WMI service by runningnet stop winmgmt /y
. Once you receive confirmation that the service has stopped, runwinmgmt /resetrepository
and then try adding the server again.2. Should that not help, please try rebuilding your WMI perf counters:
Open a command line with Elevated rights and then run the following commands:
Stop and restart the Performance Logs and Alerts service.
Stop and restart the Windows Management Instrumentation service.
Then try adding the server once more.
I hope that helps but please let me know if not!
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Thanks for coming back to me. Currently using Windows Server 2016 and tried the above and still get the same error
So sorry to hear that hasn't helped!
In that case, can you please run this test to get more detail:
1. On the machine running the SQL Monitor Base Monitor, run a command prompt as an administrator.
2. At the command prompt run:
3. In the Windows Management Instrumentation Tester dialog box, click Connect.
4. In the Namespace box, type \\\root\cimv2 where is the name of the Windows server you are attempting to monitor.
5. Click the Query button
6. query:
select ElapsedTime,IDProcess,Name,PercentPrivilegedTime,PercentUserTime,PrivateBytes,WorkingSet from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process where Name != '_Total'
and let me know the result?
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Thanks for coming back, copy and paste of results not available so have added the attched doc detailing everything
Thanks Steve!
I don't spot any issues from there. Would it be possible for you to gather your log files (go to Configuration, and under Diagnostics, click Retrieve log files) and then send the zip file to with "Log files for #158288" as the subject?
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Logs have been sent