After a from clause is there a ways to restrict suggestions to just schemas first?
Posts: 5 Bronze 1
in SQL Prompt
We have many schemas in databases. Can we restrict what is prompted to schemas first and then when entered, objects in the schema?
Best Answer
Tianjiao_Li Posts: 684 Rose Gold 5Just want to add, you can display schema (owner) names in the suggestions box by clicking the right arrow in the bottom left corner of the suggestions box.
The arrows only affect how object names are displayed in the suggestions box. The schema (owner) name is only inserted into your code when Qualify object names with owner name is selected on the Inserted Code > Qualification options page.
You should be able to restrict suggestions for certain schema's in SQL Prompt Options by using Connections -> Specifiy the databases you want to load suggestions for:
This should only load suggestions for the schema's you specify, and then load suggestions for the objects in those schemas.
Here is our documentation on how to use this option:
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,