For TOP 10 Queries, where can we find the host and SPID/session_id of the connection?

SQL Monitor

I'm looking at one of the TOP 10 Queries.  I'm wondering where I can find the query's connection's host and SPID?  I's also not seeing when the query started and finished.  Am I missing something?


  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    edited February 10, 2020 2:43PM
    Hi Peter, we dont show connection host/SPIDs on top ten queries because we are not sure if it makes sense to do so. Eg you could be looking at a TTQ run 100 times and so it's not entirely clear what to show here. Ie the last run information, or results for all queries, etc.
    Have you visited our Help Centre?
  • Thanks, @Russell D.  That makes sense to me, even if it's not the answer I wanted.  I'd still like a way to get around that and see various "instances" of the query execution like I can in SQL Sentry.  Every time I feel the need to set up an XE trace to get to the details I need for RCA, I wonder if SQL Monitor is just missing some functionality.  Perhaps I am expecting too much.  How do you recommend I dive deeper when I want to correlate what I'm seeing in SQL Monitor with actual query events?
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