Data comparison in Azure DevOps using SQL Change Automation

Currently we are working on implementing database releases using Azure DevOps and SQL Change Automation.

The problem is that I haven't been able to compare data. What I need to do is Compare two tables in different databases (while ignoring 2 rows).

Is there any way of doing this using Redgate SQL Change Automation Build or Release?

Thank you

Best Answer


  • BogdanSBogdanS Posts: 12 Bronze 1
    Hello Pete

    I have tried the 3rd approach. 

    I tested the script on premises. The problem i got is that the powershell doesn't recognize sqldatacompare.exe in Azure DevOps. 

    Are you sure this is possible without previous installation?

    Do I have to change folders to make it point to the installation path?
  • BogdanSBogdanS Posts: 12 Bronze 1
    For anyone facing this problem.

    You need to install the powershell module:
    Install-Module -Name SqlChangeAutomation -AllowClobber -Force -AcceptLicense

    And from the powershell task navigate to the install path:
    C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SqlChangeAutomation\$version\SDC

    Then you can call the sqldatacompare application
  • Hello @BogdanS ,

    Thanks for the update. You are correct, you would need to create a separate PowerShell step and point it to the install path where the SQLDataCompare.exe is located. I'm glad you were able to get this working.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Kind regards,

    Pete Ruiz

  • mbarbhayambarbhaya Posts: 3 New member
    Hi Pete, I have the same requirement at my work-place.  Please help me share the detail on how to achieve comparing two mssql databases from within Azure DevOps, prior to doing any migration
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