Visual Studio integration broken after update; again.

As is usual, SQL Prompt integration with Visual Studio is broken after the most recent update.

SQL Prompt appears as installed in the Extensions and Updates dialog.
There is no SQL Prompt menu item.
Keyboard commands do not work.

The SQL Prompt version is
The Visual Studio version is 15.9.17, although this has been happening to me for at least a year, so the version appears to have little to do with it. 

The only way to remedy this is to uninstall and reinstall SQL Prompt. If this is in fact the only solution, then please publish that as a requirement and stop offering updates from the Visual Studio UI.


  • KarlBKarlB Posts: 20 Bronze 3
    edited January 22, 2020 10:33AM
    Hi Dave,

    Really sorry to hear you are experiencing a repeat of issues regarding the upgrade of Prompt and how it's interacting with Visual Studio. I've looked into some trending here in our system and unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a lot of reports for this across the base, however this is clearly something that does occur.

    I'll ensure this feedback is passed over to the developers so that they can review it and better understand the experiences our customer are seeing.

    Great to know that you have a solution to keep things working, but appreciate the workaround is a pain with having to uninstall and reinstall the product.
    Kind regards
    Karl Boldy | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • DBNewbie_2007DBNewbie_2007 Posts: 47 Bronze 3
    edited January 23, 2020 12:56PM
    Note sure if this is related, but after a Windows 10 update (KB4528760), when in SSMS (17.9.1/14.0.17289.0), checking for an update of SQL Prompt ( throws an error, then SSMS restarts. 

    Downloading the SQLPrompt installer and manually updating SQL Prompt to appeared to have resolved the problem. 
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