Best practice: What credentials to use?

What is the best practice for credentials to use for SQL Monitor? Right now, we have SQL Monitor "migrated" from an old server (call it ServerC) to a new server (call it ServerD) (the db SQL monitor uses is on another server that has not changed, call it ServerB) but is still monitoring the same SQL server (call it ServerA)

So SQL Monitor WAS on ServerC and is now on ServerD
SQL Monitor uses a database on ServerB
SQL Monitor is monitoring host ServerA and SQL on ServerA

Currently SQL Monitor is using domainadminA@domain.local as the credentials. From a standard domain practice and security practice, that is not ideal at all and I want to change that.

SQL Monitor version is currently 8.0.19 (will be upgraded in a month or 2)


  • Hello,

    Thank you for your question regarding SQL Monitor. The requirements have changed between version 8 and version 9 of SQL Monitor. For your current version (v.8), you will need the following to monitor the host Windows Machine:

    • The account should be an administrator on the remote Windows host machine. 
    • The account should have login rights locally on the machine where the base monitor is installed, so that SQL Monitor can authenticate the account.

    This does not necessarily require you to use a domain admin, but the account will need local admin permissions.

    For version 9 of SQL Monitor, you can connect to a Windows Machine without using admin permissions. You can find those requirements here:

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards,

    Mac Frierson | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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