Apply Smart Assembly against Self-Contained Single file exe (.NET Core 3.1)

I have a .NET solution build using in a mixture of 4 projects. 2 or the projects are defined using the .NET framework and the other 2 are defined using .NET Core 3.1. The 2 .NET Core projects have been published as a single file (self-contained) exe. Self-Contained meaning ALL of the referenced assemblies, frameworks, and packages are pulled into the exe (platform independent). This makes the .NET Core executable "self-contained". While applying the Smart Assembly application (Post build event --> "<path>\SmartAssembly 7\" /build <path>\filename.saproj) I am getting an error about the Microsoft Assemblies not allowed to be obfuscated. Is there a way around this?
So sorry to hear you're running into an issue!
As I wasn't able to reproduce this from a quick test, can I just check a few things to help us understand what's going wrong:
- What's the exact error message that you're getting?
- Does this happen when you obfuscate via the SmartAssembly GUI?
- What SmartAssembly protection options do you have enabled?
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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