My SQL Search is no longer displaying results after updating

in SQL Search
i have read other articles on this topic and they say all SQL toolbelt modules need to be at same version and as far as i can tell they are. Need help bad. I use this SQL search all the time and cannot be without it. thank you
Best Answer
Tom_Clark Posts: 2 Bronze 1
From another thread on this forum I've found RedGate staff advising to update other products.
I also had SQL Prompt installed, which was at version 8. Updating that to Version 9.5 ( has fixed my SQL Search 3.4 - but has left me on a 28 day free trial of SQL Prompt. We do already have at least one license for RedGate software; the full suite is installed on our primary SQL server... I guess we'll have to take another look at licensing.
Hope that helps.
Have hit Index > Reindex, nothing happens. Strangely the "Cancel Indexing" option is always available, even when I'm quite sure it isn't indexing at all.
Please help!