Cannot install Ants Memory Profiler on Windows 10 1903 with Visual Studio 2019 Installed

I am attempting to install ANTS memory profiler on my desktop. At the start of the install, it lets me know that it is going to install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable x64. It then fails with error code 6348 which is basically that a newer version of the redistributable is already installed. When I look at Control Panel I see that Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 2019 is already installed. How can I install the memory profiler and why is it not recognizing that a newer version of C++ is already installed?
Best Answer
Russell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
I built a VM with 16.3.5 CE of visual studio, and had no issues installing or running AMP:
so I'm really not sure what could be causing this problem for you.
Do you have the 14.23 versions of the redistributables?Have you visited our Help Centre?