Analysis section shows "Loading" indefinitely

We are using version
We can't get any data out of Analysis:

Best Answer
JoonaHook Posts: 16 Bronze 2
Hi,This turned out to be usability issue. If you are monitoring Azure databases you have to scroll quite a bit in the metric list to reach Azure specific metrics. All other metrics show just "loading.."Might be good to show something else like "Data not found due to SQL version" etc.
If that doesn't give any error, we'll need to have a look of your logs file which we can request by email later.
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
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Just try to understand the issue, if you change the time range or different metrics, does it show any data for any machine/sql insances/disks?
Are the data purged? You can check it under Configuration->Data retention.
Tianjiao Li | Redgate Software
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