SQL Change Automation - error during release
Wondering if the cause of the error, below, is explainable with the information provided (below) or if the cause is already known:
error = "RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Registration.ReadFromSnapshot.UnsupportedSnapshotException: The database snapshot was saved by a newer version of SQL Compare"
Project Information:
Installed SQL Change Automation 4.0 on work machine
Checked project into TFS.
Build generated and release deployed without errors. (All objects were deployed to target servers.)
Upon subsequent build queues, the triggered releases fail, the error, above, is the determined cause of the failures.
I have not installed any scripts or SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation on the target machines/servers. (Again, note that the 1st release deploys without error).
I note that my development db's snapshot table is empty and my target dbo.__schemasnapshot tables contain a record, with the date of, what I believe is, the first deployment.
error = "RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Registration.ReadFromSnapshot.UnsupportedSnapshotException: The database snapshot was saved by a newer version of SQL Compare"
Project Information:
Installed SQL Change Automation 4.0 on work machine
Checked project into TFS.
Build generated and release deployed without errors. (All objects were deployed to target servers.)
Upon subsequent build queues, the triggered releases fail, the error, above, is the determined cause of the failures.
I have not installed any scripts or SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation on the target machines/servers. (Again, note that the 1st release deploys without error).
I note that my development db's snapshot table is empty and my target dbo.__schemasnapshot tables contain a record, with the date of, what I believe is, the first deployment.
In general you need to ensure that all the build agents are on the same version.
Cause of the release failure - error message:
The scenario:
- The 1st release executes the entire build, making changes on the target server as expected, (no errors), and installs the __MigrationLog] and [__SchemaSnapshot] tables, including populating the [__SchemaSnapshot] table with a record (records GUID matches in all target databases)
- Subsequent releases fail, citing the above error [__SchemaSnapshot] table in the target database(s)
- There are no records in either the development or shadow database's [__SchemaSnapshot]'s table
In summary, the error message and failure only occur in subsequent releases (never in the first).Since every successful release inserts a record into the [__SchemaSnapshot] table, I attempted to resolve the issue by adding the truncate statement to the the post - deployment script. I also tried adding to the pre-deployment script. Neither method removes the record(s).
In order for the release to execute (except for the 1st release) I must manually delete the [__SchemaSnapshot] record from each targeted database.
How can I automate the truncation of the [__SchemaSnapshot] table, on target databases, from a script within project?