"Move" SQL Monitor installation (install application elsewhere inherit existing repository)

"Move" SQL Monitor installation (install application elsewhere inherit existing repository) question
- we would like to upgrade from 9.0.3 to 9.1.7
- we would like to install the SQL monitor application to another app server while keeping the history
what is the simplest path on this? uninstall existing application on old server, install upgraded application on new server and connect to existing repository
Thank you
- we would like to upgrade from 9.0.3 to 9.1.7
- we would like to install the SQL monitor application to another app server while keeping the history
what is the simplest path on this? uninstall existing application on old server, install upgraded application on new server and connect to existing repository
Thank you
In a nutshell though uninstall it from the old server, install on the new server and point it to the existing repository.
- the link does not open for me (just takes me to the 'How we can help you today' support screen). is there another link available ?
- separately, is my understanding below proper ? 3 'tiers' ( web UI, base monitor program, DB backend). If i want to keep DB back end in place and move everything else => uninstall and install UI + base monitor on another machine. otherwise, just adding a base monitor elsewhere does not move the UI, correct?
Thank you
Other than that, yes there are 3 components: the webserver, the basemonitor and the database. They can all be on the same machine, on 3 different machines, or a combination of any of the two on anyone machine, with the third component on another.
The webserver will be installed wherever you run the installer. During the installation you can then opt to install the basemonitor elsewhere.