
  • Hi,

    This might be an obvious question but I think it's worth looking at: do you have SQL Server Data Tools installed?

  • Did you ever get this resolved?  Having the same issue. Wasted 2 days uninstalling and reinstalling SSMS and SSDT.
  • BiniamBiniam Posts: 3 New member
    just uninstall ssms18.1 and install only ssms17.1  2017 and run the update for SQL prompt and reinstall ssms 18.1 it worked after that...
  • Thanks, oddly enough, that worked! I uninstalled SSMS 18.4 and all SSDT components. Then, installed SSMS 17.9.1. Installed SQLPrompt SUCCESSFULLY!  Then installed SSMS 18.4, uninstall/reinstall SQLPrompt SUCCESSFULLY!  Now I am too scared to uninstall SSMS 17.9.1 because that being on my system is apparently the only reason I could install SQLPrompt 10.0 at 10:30 PM today, 13 hours after I started trying.

    I'd be really insterested to see if anybody else had this issue. I contacted RedGate directly about it, but I don't think I got a response.
  • BiniamBiniam Posts: 3 New member
    I would not uninstall 17 for now ... the issue is with a registry so I will keep as you said both for now... Many of my colleagues skip the update of SQLPrompt so they don't have to suffer like us... 
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