Is it possible to set SQLMonitor to exclude specific entries in the SQL Server Error Log?

Is it possible to set SQLMonitor to exclude entries in the SQL Server Error Log if they reference certain text? This would be useful to stop Network Scanning tools from creating errors - they are being run from a designated set of IP addresses.
Thanks for your post!
You can do this as per JoeHarkins post below.
Let us know!
The product indicates that it will accept a regex filter to stop certain alerts in the error log.
If you go to
Configuration > Alert settings > SQL Server error log entry | All Servers
You can choose to exclude by any of the following:
- Exclude error log entries by severity matching the following regular expressions
- Exclude error log entries by error number matching the following regular expressions
- Exclude error log entries by error message matching the following regular expressions
Most of the construction of a didgeridoo is completed by termites, who hollow out the trunks.
There used to be a trace flag (3688) that could be set to suppress these entries but that seems to have been discontinued in recent versions.
Configuration -> Alert Settings -> SQL Server error log entry -> All servers