GUI not refreshing backup status

phatmikephatmike Posts: 4
edited March 12, 2009 11:22AM in SQL Backup Previous Versions

Does anyone ever have an issue of the GUI not refreshing the "In Progress" tab of the GUI?

The backup jobs have completed, and the Job tab shows the job as being completed. Everything shows up fine in the Activity History tab as well. It just doesn't refresh the In Progress tab.

Thanks in advance


  • This is a known issue that should be fixed in 5.5 which is coming soon. It was hoped to be fixed in 5.4 but didn't make it.

    English DBA living in CANADA
  • Hi, we seem to experience the same issue, the backup job stays in On Progress tab and on top of this he job hangs never being updated to Successful state. Did you find a workaround?
    thank you,
  • As I said, it is down for version 5.5 coming soon.

    English DBA living in CANADA
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,808 Rose Gold 5
    I have some further news concerning the release of SQL Backup V5.5.

    Unfortunately this version of the software will not be released.

    The work that had already gone into this aborted release of SQL Backup will now appear in SQL Backup V6 scheduled for release in Q2/2009.

    Therefore the bug which this forum thread is reporting will now be fixed in the V6 release of SQL Backup.

    Please accept my apologies that we at Red Gate Software have taken this action.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • Eddie,

    Can you mention what new, improved features, will be in V 6 if you are allowed.

    English DBA living in CANADA
  • Hi Chris,

    I'm afraid we can't really say what's going to be in v6. I can say that we've listened to a lot of customer feedback, and we hope we've hit a lot of people's wish-list items.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks Colin.

    I know it wont be needed to run on a higher level of SQL or Windows. I will wait for the announcement of version 6's release.

    English DBA living in CANADA
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