First time use of SQL Compare caommand line

Need to compare the structure & objects of three satellite databases with a single master database and thought I would try the command line version.
Few questions:
Can I run the comparison from a single machine and access the databases on different server?
Database instance is called Biriani\Biriani and two databases are called Wh1 & Wh2, do I specify it like this...
sqlcompare /Biriani\Biriani:Wh1 /Biriani\Biriani:Wh2
Are the SQL instances & database names case sensitive?
Thanks in advance
Need to compare the structure & objects of three satellite databases with a single master database and thought I would try the command line version.
Few questions:
Can I run the comparison from a single machine and access the databases on different server?
Database instance is called Biriani\Biriani and two databases are called Wh1 & Wh2, do I specify it like this...
sqlcompare /Biriani\Biriani:Wh1 /Biriani\Biriani:Wh2
Are the SQL instances & database names case sensitive?
Thanks in advance
I think the syntax may be more like:
sqlcompare /s1:Biriani\Biriani /db1:Wh1 /s2:Biriani\Biriani /db2:Wh2
If you need to synchronize as well as just compare, add the /synch switch.
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
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Red Gate Software Ltd