- I wanted to make a SOAP request to Oracle Hyperion to execute ActionScripts.
- I was able to make SOAP requests to get Hierarchies and other stuff. But I am unable to upload the action script file and execute it.
- Whenever I make the SOAP request it gives the following response
</code><env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"></pre><pre><code> <env:Header/>
<faultstring>startScriptFromFile did not complete because startLoadFileJob finished with status: com.oracle.drm.remotable.JobInfo@3228cd90</faultstring>
<DrmServiceException xmlns="http://drm.webservices.epm.oracle">
<Message xmlns:ns2="http://drm.webservices.epm.oracle" xmlns="">startScriptFromFile did not complete because startLoadFileJob finished with status: com.oracle.drm.remotable.JobInfo@3228cd90</Message>
<Code xmlns:ns2="http://drm.webservices.epm.oracle" xmlns="">0</Code>
I use SoapUI client to make requests Is there anything I need to configure in Oracle Hyperion DRM to accept any file uploads?