How to uninstall or update SQL Search?!?

I downloaded SQL Search 3.2.7, but I am not able to install because the installer cannot find the msi for

I cannot find the old msi to download it. There is no entry in programs to uninstall for SQL Search. The unistall link found in my registry also gives an error when I run it to uninstall. I just want to remove the old version and install the new version. Thank you!

I cannot find the old msi to download it. There is no entry in programs to uninstall for SQL Search. The unistall link found in my registry also gives an error when I run it to uninstall. I just want to remove the old version and install the new version. Thank you!
If you have already tried opening Add or Remove Programs, clicking on SQL Search and selecting Uninstall and this hasn't worked please can you try uninstalling using this tool:
And here's an installer for the latest version of SQL Search:
Victoria Wiseman | Redgate Software
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