How would workflow change if using a shared model with branching?

With my applications, I typically create a feature branch, make changes, then merge back a master branch.
How would the "shared" model of the workflow change if using a feature branch


  • AlexYatesAlexYates Posts: 264 Rose Gold 2
    It's horrible. That's one of the reasons to move to the dedicated model. If you are all working on the same dev database but trying to do different things that won't end well.

    What most people do is set up a separate shared database for their other branch... But this leads to long lived branches, which is bad.

    Sorry if it's not the answer you wanted, but ultimately the shared model really doesn't work well when branching. If you want frequent branching I highly recommend you move to the dedicated model.

    Why do you want/need to use the shared model?
    Alex Yates
    DevOps Mentor and Coach

    Director of DLM Consultants
    Creator of Speaking Mentors
    Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Friend of Redgate
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  • rhodrierhodrie Posts: 18 Bronze 3
    Try merging branches with Migration Scripts.  Or rather, don't. It is a world of pain.
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