Error when importing v5 dataset

When importing a v5.6 dataset to the most current version of Data Masker, I get the following error. The primary issue seems to be 'System.Exception: Cannot find source schema name (a)'. Is there a change I can make to the XML to enable this file to load and convert? Or can an interim version convert it? 

06/05/2019 10:24:29 frmMainsimpleButtonImportV5MaskSet_Click now importing file:F:\MaskedDB.DMSSet
06/05/2019 10:24:29 MaskingRunStateMachineMaskingRunStateMachine: ResetStateMachine()
06/05/2019 10:24:29 DMSRuleSchedulingEngineResetWorkerSlotList called, wantThreadRestart=False
06/05/2019 10:24:29 frmMainReading V5 Rule Set from file:F:\MaskedDB.DMSSet
06/05/2019 10:24:30 DMSRule_SyncManagerSourceSchemaName conRule == null
06/05/2019 10:24:30 MaskingRunStateMachineMaskingRunStateMachine: ResetStateMachine()
06/05/2019 10:24:30 DMSRuleSchedulingEngineResetWorkerSlotList called, wantThreadRestart=False
06/05/2019 10:24:30 frmMainReadMaskerSetV5 xmlDoc.Load reported error loading file:F:\MaskedDB.DMSSet
Exception Message: Cannot find source schema name (a)
Exception Source: DMSO
System.Exception: Cannot find source schema name (a)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRule_SyncManager.get_SourceSchemaName()
   at DMS_Common.DMSRule_SyncManager.BuildOrRebuildStandardStagingTableCreateRules(DMSRuleBindingList& ruleList)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRule_SyncManager.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSSetContainer.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn)
   at DMS_Client.frmMain.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn)
   at DMS_Client.frmMain.ReadMaskerSetV5(String fullPathAndFileNameIn)
06/05/2019 10:24:30 N2KStdMessageBoxAn error was reported while loading the Masking Set


 Please see the logs for diagnostic messages.
06/05/2019 10:24:32 frmMain simpleButtonImportV5MaskSet_Click ReadMaskerSetV5 returned 10
06/05/2019 10:35:15 frmMainsimpleButtonImportV5MaskSet_Click Called
06/05/2019 10:35:18 frmMainsimpleButtonImportV5MaskSet_Click now importing file:F:\MaskedDB.DMSSet
06/05/2019 10:35:18 MaskingRunStateMachineMaskingRunStateMachine: ResetStateMachine()
06/05/2019 10:35:18 DMSRuleSchedulingEngineResetWorkerSlotList called, wantThreadRestart=False
06/05/2019 10:35:18 frmMainReading V5 Rule Set from file:F:\MaskedDB.DMSSet
06/05/2019 10:35:19 DMSRule_SyncManagerSourceSchemaName conRule == null
06/05/2019 10:35:19 MaskingRunStateMachineMaskingRunStateMachine: ResetStateMachine()
06/05/2019 10:35:19 DMSRuleSchedulingEngineResetWorkerSlotList called, wantThreadRestart=False
06/05/2019 10:35:19 frmMainReadMaskerSetV5 xmlDoc.Load reported error loading file:F:\MaskedDB.DMSSet
Exception Message: Cannot find source schema name (a)
Exception Source: DMSO
System.Exception: Cannot find source schema name (a)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRule_SyncManager.get_SourceSchemaName()
   at DMS_Common.DMSRule_SyncManager.BuildOrRebuildStandardStagingTableCreateRules(DMSRuleBindingList& ruleList)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRule_SyncManager.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSRuleBindingList.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn, UInt32 parentGUNIn)
   at DMS_Common.DMSSetContainer.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn)
   at DMS_Client.frmMain.SerializeReadV5(XmlNode elemIn)
   at DMS_Client.frmMain.ReadMaskerSetV5(String fullPathAndFileNameIn)
06/05/2019 10:35:19 N2KStdMessageBoxAn error was reported while loading the Masking Set


 Please see the logs for diagnostic messages.
06/05/2019 10:35:22 frmMain simpleButtonImportV5MaskSet_Click ReadMaskerSetV5 returned 10

Best Answer

  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Answer ✓
    Hi @lpedersen,

    It doesn't seem to like some part of a sync manager rule you have in the old set, though I've just made a simple DMSSet in 5.6 with a sync manager and imported it to 6.2.6 and it worked fine.  What version are you importing into?

    It looks like you are supported - if I reached out through a ticket, would you be able to share the old DMSSet file you are trying to import?

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

    Have you visited our Help Center?


  • lpedersenlpedersen Posts: 3 New member

    Your keen eye to highlight the issue with the Sync Manager rule illuminated the issue for me. 

    This masking set was originally created when Data Masker was still owned by Net2000, and the experts there helped me to resolve a particular multi-column sync issue that the GUI couldn't handle by manually editing the XML. This is undoubtedly the code that is causing it to fail. 

    Fortunately, it is not critical that I upgrade this masking set, as my masking requirements for this database changed, and that sync is no longer required. I could test that theory by removing the sync rule; the machine it was created on still has a Redgate v5 version that can open it. Just being able to review it to prod my memory for other tables that needed masking has been sufficient as I recreated the masking set in the most recent version.

    Lee Anne
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