Tack Changes on DML SQL Files

Part of our deployment includes the population of certain key metadata elements that are inserted in the relevant tables by running DML SQL scripts as INSERT statements during installation.
We wanted to validate of Source Control for Oracle would not only track down changes done at the DDL level, to the corresponding SQL DDL file on Azure DevOps, but if it will also track any changes into the metadata inserted into the underlying tables via DML and would ALSO track and make the necessary changes to the SQL DML files.
My gut feeling is that the tool would only detect changes done at any Oracle object type, but purely at a DDL level and not be able to detect changes to the underlying loaded data and correctly identify which DML SQL files need to have their INSERT statements updated to match the newly inserted data directly on top of the DB.
In short, the intelligence of the tool works only for DDL, but not for any DML.
Make sense?
Best Answer
Alex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
Hi @romoval,
I think the Static Data functionality of Source Control for Oracle is may be what you are looking for - or at the least is the closest thing to what you are describing. See this page for more information on that feature.
It includes DML as insert statements with the schema and if you have it in a source control system that keeps track of the changes, then you have a change record of the changes to the static data files.
Kind regards,
Looks like we got to the bottom of the other issue, but it may not be the tool for you. If you do have any more questions on this aspect do let me know!
Kind regards,
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