How to apply EnableJitOptimization="1" for exceptionReporting within Command line mode ?

I looks like setting for jitOptimization is also not possible from (Commandline mode)?
In GUI it is there. Can you add it also?
Best Answer
Alex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
Hi @mrmiagi0101,
The team have just released SmartAssembly version 7.0.4 which includes this now (download here). Please update to this version and confirm that it's all working for you!
Kind regards,
I'm not sure if it was a deliberate choice or not as the documentation doesn't indicate it is an option - see this page under Enabling error reporting.
I will double check with the team if this was on purpose or not and come back to you!
Kind regards,
Have you visited our Help Center?
The team have a PR open and the fix should be included in the next release (in two weeks). I will update you further when that is available!
Kind regards,
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