Blocking process alert filters not working

SQLDBASQLDBA Posts: 3 New member
edited May 7, 2019 3:58PM in Redgate Monitor
I'm trying to filter out replication queries from blocking alerts.

I added MSrepl_commands to "Exclude queries that contain SQL commands or objects matching the following regular expressions:" , but I am still receiving alerts for queries that contain the text MSrepl_commands.



  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    Can you show me what you're trying to filter out (ie a picture or copy of the sql query) and the exact regex you're using?
    Have you visited our Help Centre?
  • SQLDBASQLDBA Posts: 3 New member
    Here is what is captured as the blocking query

    Database Name:	distribution
    Blocking Session ID:	72
    Number of blocked descendants:	1
    Total blocking duration for all descendants:	00:02:03
    Blocking SQL fragment:	CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSadd_replcmds
    @publisher_database_id int,
    @publisher_id smallint,
    @publisher_db sysname,
    @data varbinary(1595),
    @1data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @2data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @3data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @4data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @5data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @6data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @7data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @8data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @9data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @10data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @11data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @12data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @13data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @14data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @15data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @16data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @17data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @18data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @19data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @20data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @21data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @22data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @23data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @24data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @25data varbinary(1595) = NULL,
    @26data varbinary(1595) = NULL
    DECLARE @date datetime
    ,@x int
    ,@tempdata varbinary(1595)
    DECLARE @xactId	varbinary(10),
    @xactSeqNo	varbinary(10),
    @artId	int,
    @cmdId	int,
    @cmdType	int,
    @fIncomplete	bit,
    @cmdLen	int,
    @originator_id	int,
    @origSrvLen	int,
    @origDbLen	int,
    @origPublId	int,
    @origDbVersion	int,
    @origLSN	varbinary(10),
    @hashKey	int,
    @cmdText	varbinary(1595),
    @originator	sysname,
    @originatorDb	sysname
    -- @publisher_id is always from master..sysservers, so we need to fetch from MSreplservers
    select @publisher_id = sys.fn_MSrepl_getsrvidfromdistdb(@publisher_id)
    SELECT @date = GETDATE()
    select @x = 0
    select @tempdata = null
    while @x <= 26
    select @tempdata = CASE @x
    when 0 then @data
    when 1 then @1data
    when 2 then @2data
    when 3 then @3data
    when 4 then @4data
    when 5 then @5data
    when 6 then @6data
    when 7 then @7data
    when 8 then @8data
    when 9 then @9data
    when 10 then @10data
    when 11 then @11data
    when 12 then @12data
    when 13 then @13data
    when 14 then @14data
    when 15 then @15data
    when 16 then @16data
    when 17 then @17data
    when 18 then @18data
    when 19 then @19data
    when 20 then @20data
    when 21 then @21data
    when 22 then @22data
    when 23 then @23data
    when 24 then @24data
    when 25 then @25data
    when 26 then @26data
    if @tempdata is NULL
    goto END_CMDS
    -- We will now breakup the binary data. Check HP_FIXED_DATA 
    -- in publish.cpp for all of the offsets listed below...
    select @xactId = substring( @tempdata, 1, 10),
    @xactSeqNo	= substring( @tempdata, 11, 10),
    @artId	= substring( @tempdata, 21, 4),
    @cmdId	= substring( @tempdata, 25, 4),
    @cmdType	= substring( @tempdata, 29, 4),
    @fIncomplete	= convert(bit, substring( @tempdata, 33, 1)),
    @cmdLen	= substring( @tempdata, 34, 2),
    @origSrvLen	= substring( @tempdata, 36, 2),
    @origDbLen	= substring( @tempdata, 38, 2),
    @hashKey	= substring( @tempdata, 40, 2),
    -- @origPublId = only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 42, 4)
    -- @origDbVersion=only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 46, 4)
    @origLSN	= substring( @tempdata, 50, 10),
    @cmdText	= substring( @tempdata, 60, @cmdLen)
    -- @originator = only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen, @origSrvLen)
    -- @originatorDb= only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen + @origSrvLen, @origDbLen)
    IF @cmdId = 1
    INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions 
    VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @xactId, @xactSeqNo, @date)
    -- do special processing for the different command typs if needed
    if( @cmdType in( 37,38 ) )
    select @cmdType = 38 - @cmdType
    exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @artId, @cmdType, @xactSeqNo
    select @cmdType = (38 - @cmdType) | 0x80000000
    -- Check all posted cmds of SQLCMD type to see if they are tracer records
    -- sql cmd type is (47 | 0x40000000) or 1073741871
    else if @cmdType = 1073741871
    declare @tracer_id int,
    @retcode	int
    select @tracer_id = cast(cast(@cmdText as nvarchar) as int)
    exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSupdate_tracer_history @tracer_id = @tracer_id
    if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0
    return 1
    -- only add it if the command is not empty
    if @cmdLen > 0
    -- handle article metadata cleanup after a table drop operation
    if ((@cmdType & 0xFFFFFFF) = 48)
    select @retcode = 0
    DECLARE @pub sysname, @pub_db sysname, @sub sysname, @sub_db sysname, @p sysname, @art sysname
    select ps.srvname, p.publisher_db, ss.srvname, subscriber_db, publication, article
    from distribution..MSpublications p
    join MSreplservers as ps on p.publisher_id = ps.srvid
    join distribution..MSarticles a on p.publisher_id = a.publisher_id and p.publisher_db = a.publisher_db and p.publication_id = a.publication_id
    join distribution..MSpublisher_databases d on d.publisher_id = p.publisher_id
    left outer join distribution..MSsubscriptions s on p.publisher_id = s.publisher_id and p.publisher_db = s.publisher_db and p.publication_id = s.publication_id and s.article_id = a.article_id
    left outer join MSreplservers as ss on s.subscriber_id = ss.srvid
    where = @publisher_database_id and p.publisher_id = @publisher_id and a.article_id = @artId
    OPEN #hCsubart
    FETCH #hCsubart INTO @pub, @pub_db, @sub, @sub_db, @p, @art
    WHILE (@@fetch_status != -1 and @retcode = 0) BEGIN
    exec @retcode = dbo.sp_MSdrop_subscription @publisher = @pub, @publisher_db = @pub_db, @subscriber = @sub, @article_id = @artId, @subscriber_db = @sub_db, @publication = @p
    FETCH #hCsubart INTO @pub, @pub_db, @sub, @sub_db, @p, @art
    CLOSE #hCsubart
    DEALLOCATE #hCsubart
    if @retcode = 0 and @pub is not null and @pub_db is not null and @p is not null and @art is not null begin
    exec @retcode = dbo.sp_MSdrop_article @publisher = @pub, @publisher_db = @pub_db, @publication = @p, @article = @art
    if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto Failure else goto Continue_next_command
    --handle nonsync subscription setup when command type is 
    if ((@cmdType & 0xFFFFFFF) = 54)
    -- When logreader gets a log record with this type,
    -- the MSnosyncsubsetup table should already exist,
    -- report the failure if it does not exist.
    if (object_id(N'dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup', 'U')) is NULL 
    goto Failure
    declare @nosyncCommandStr	nvarchar(max),
    @publisher sysname,
    @publication sysname,
    @article	sysname,
    @subscriber	sysname,
    @destination_db	sysname,
    @subscriptionlsn	binary(10),
    @lsnsource	tinyint,
    @originator_publication_id	int,
    @originator_db_version	int,
    @originator_meta_data	nvarchar(max),
    @nosync_setup_script	nvarchar(max),
    @next_valid_lsn	binary(10),
    @next_valid_lsn_from_log	binary(10)
    -- if most high bit is set to 1 then interprete buffer as a new format 99 <= 0xFFFFFF9D (supports 2^32 ids), otherwise it's a backward compatibility for 99 <= 0x39003900 (this is max id)
    select @originator_publication_id = CASE WHEN CAST(substring(@cmdText, 1, 4) AS int) <= 0 THEN -CAST(substring(@cmdText, 1, 4) AS int) ELSE CAST(CAST(substring(@cmdText, 1, 4) AS nvarchar) AS int) END,
    @next_valid_lsn_from_log = CAST(substring(@cmdText, 5, 10) AS binary(10))
    if @@error <> 0 goto Failure
    -- Verify that the number of parameters is correct before using 
    -- these parameters in sp_MSsetupnosyncsubwithlsnatdist
    if ((select count(*) from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log) <> 13) goto Failure
    if @@error <> 0 goto Failure
    select @publisher = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'publisher') as sysname),
    @publisher_db = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'publisher_db') as sysname),
    @publication = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'publication') as sysname),
    @article = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'article') as sysname),
    @subscriber = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'subscriber') as sysname),
    @destination_db = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'destination_db') as sysname),
    @subscriptionlsn = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'subscriptionlsn') as binary(10)),
    @lsnsource = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'lsnsource') as tinyint),
    @originator_publication_id = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'originator_publication_id') as int),
    @originator_db_version = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'originator_db_version') as int),
    @originator_meta_data = (select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'originator_meta_data'),
    @nosync_setup_script = (select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'nosync_setup_script'),
    @next_valid_lsn = cast((select parameterValue 
    from dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    and parameterName = N'next_valid_lsn') as binary(10))
    if @@error <> 0 goto Failure
    if @cmdId = 1
    -- Type 54 transactions should be provided with empty command which will be later used in sp_MSsetupnosyncsubwithlsnatdist
    insert dbo.MSrepl_commands
    (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command)
    (@publisher_database_id, @xactSeqNo, @cmdType, @artId, 0, @cmdId, 0, convert(varbinary(1024), N''))
    if @@error <> 0 goto Failure
    select @nosyncCommandStr = N'exec sp_MSsetupnosyncsubwithlsnatdist 
    @publisher = @publisher,
    @publisher_db = @publisher_db,
    @publication = @publication,
    @article = @article,
    @subscriber = @subscriber,
    @destination_db = @destination_db,
    @subscriptionlsn = @subscriptionlsn,
    @lsnsource = @lsnsource,
    @originator_publication_id = @originator_publication_id,
    @originator_db_version = @originator_db_version,
    @originator_meta_data = @originator_meta_data,
    @nosync_setup_script = @nosync_setup_script,
    @next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn'
    exec sp_executesql
    @stmt = @nosyncCommandStr,
    @params = N'@publisher sysname,
    @publisher_db sysname,
    @publication sysname,
    @article	sysname,
    @subscriber	sysname,
    @destination_db	sysname,
    @subscriptionlsn	binary(10),
    @lsnsource	tinyint,
    @originator_publication_id	int,
    @originator_db_version	int,
    @originator_meta_data	nvarchar(max),
    @nosync_setup_script	nvarchar(max),
    @next_valid_lsn	binary(10)',
    @publisher = @publisher,
    @publisher_db = @publisher_db,
    @publication = @publication,
    @article = @article,
    @subscriber = @subscriber,
    @destination_db = @destination_db,
    @subscriptionlsn = @subscriptionlsn,
    @lsnsource = @lsnsource,
    @originator_publication_id = @originator_publication_id,
    @originator_db_version = @originator_db_version,
    @originator_meta_data = @originator_meta_data,
    @nosync_setup_script = @nosync_setup_script,
    @next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn
    if @@error <> 0 goto Failure
    end --end of if (object_id(N'dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup, 'U')) is NOT NULL
    -- Upon success of the execution of sp_MSsetupnosyncsubwithlsnatdist,
    -- clean up the MSnosyncsubsetup table by deleting the parameters
    -- regarding this specified nonsync subscription
    delete dbo.MSnosyncsubsetup 
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id
    and publication_id = @originator_publication_id
    and artid = @artId
    and next_valid_lsn = @next_valid_lsn_from_log
    if @@error <> 0 goto Failure
    goto Continue_next_command
    return 1
    else --i.e., when (@cmdType & 0xFFFFFFF) IS NOT 54
    -- Get the originator_id for the first command
    if @origSrvLen <> 0 and @origDbLen <> 0 
    select @originator_id = null,
    @originator	= substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen, @origSrvLen),
    @originatorDb	= substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen + @origSrvLen, @origDbLen),
    @origPublId = substring( @tempdata, 42, 4),
    @origDbVersion	= substring( @tempdata, 46, 4)
    -- if @origPublId and @origDbVersion is 0 or NULL
    -- then we are not in Peer-To-Peer so we do not need
    -- to set the dbversion and publication id values...
    if isnull(@origPublId, 0) != 0
    and isnull(@origDbVersion, 0) != 0
    select @originator_id = id 
    from MSrepl_originators with (readpast)
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id 
    and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@originator)
    and dbname = @originatorDb
    and publication_id = @origPublId
    and dbversion = @origDbVersion
    select @origPublId = NULL,
    @origDbVersion = NULL
    select @originator_id = id 
    from MSrepl_originators 
    where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id 
    and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@originator)
    and dbname = @originatorDb
    and publication_id is NULL
    and dbversion is NULL
    if @originator_id is null
    insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname, publication_id, dbversion) 
    values (@publisher_database_id, @originator, @originatorDb, @origPublId, @origDbVersion)
    select @originator_id = @@identity
    select @originator_id = 0
    INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands 
    end --end of i.e., when (@cmdType & 0xFFFFFFF) in (54, 55, 56)
    end --end of if @cmdLen > 0
    select @x = @x + 1
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
    return (1)

    I just added the string MSrepl_commands  as the filter. 
  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    edited May 12, 2019 5:51AM
    I wonder if its because your're inserting into a table called that though in theory it should work. Try to filter out sp_MSrepl_commands?

    Can I see it exactly as you've added it?
    Have you visited our Help Centre?
  • SQLDBASQLDBA Posts: 3 New member

    The blocking alert continues to be raised. 
  • Russell DRussell D Posts: 1,324 Diamond 5
    edited May 20, 2019 7:25AM
    Oops thats my bad - sp_MSrepl_commands doesn't appear anywhere in your script. What I'd meant was filter out the sproc MSrepl_commands exactly as that, but you said that you'd added this to the filter but its not in the screenshot, I take it its beneath on that list but scrolled down?
    Trying to reproduce this anyway using a slightly modified version of the above but since i'm missing so much of the schema its proving difficult. If you want to take this offline and can send in a reproduction to Support that would be helpful.
    Have you visited our Help Centre?
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