Improve performance for command line compare

BogdanSBogdanS Posts: 12 Bronze 1
Currently we have an automated process of deploying sql changes based on TFS checkins we compare source control with our database to obtain the required differences.

These are the options that we use:
/Options:f,iu,ib,icc,ich,ic,icm,IgnoreDatabaseAndServerName,ie,ifg,ift,iilp,iit,infr,ip,iqen,irpt,ist,ito,iup,iw,iweo,incd,iip,isi,adus /TransactionIsolationLevel:serializable

Any suggestions on increasing performance? Any switches/options that I can use? 

Thank you


  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,798 Rose Gold 5
    Hi BogdanS,
    The only help article I am aware off that may help is available here

    What exactly appears to be slow?

    You can set the logging level to verbose by adding the following switch to your cmd line syntax:
    /LogLevel:Verbose or using the alias /log:verbose

    For further information on logging and log files seen this help article.

    Hopefully the log file will provide information as to what part of the comparison is slow.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • BogdanSBogdanS Posts: 12 Bronze 1
    Hello Eddie,

    Thank you for the reply. I have seen that suggestion but couldn't seem to find a switch for that option. Could you please advise?

    To answer your question: I have 2 compares done per project (due to in-memory tables) the two compares take like 5 minutes together and i was wondering if there is any way of reducing that time since my goal is to improve the deployment time. 

    Will lowering the log level help in my case? In this path %localappdata%\Red Gate\Logs i don't have any log for SQL compare so i guess there is no logging. Any ideas? 

    Thank you,
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,798 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Bogdan,

    Thank you for your reply.  All the available switches you can set via the SQL Compare Command Line are available in this help document.  Below is a very simple example of the command line syntax using the LogLevel switch:

    sqlcompare /Server1:StagingServer /Database1:WidgetStaging /Server2:ProductionServer /Database2:WidgetProduction /LogLevel:Verbose

    This will then create a log file in this path %localappdata%\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Compare

    You will not be lowering the log level.  The Verbose log level reports all messages in the log file.  It may highlight a process that is taking some time.

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • BogdanSBogdanS Posts: 12 Bronze 1
    Hello Eddie,

    Thank you for the reply. I will try out your suggestion.

    Do you have any idea on the decrypt switch? it is not in the list that you linked.
  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,798 Rose Gold 5
    Hi BogdanS

    Do you mean the DecryptPost2KEncryptedObjects option?  If the answer is yes, it is set via the /options: switch using its full name /Options:DecryptPost2KEncryptedObjects  or its alias dp2k.  

    Many Thanks

    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
  • BogdanSBogdanS Posts: 12 Bronze 1
    Hello Eddie,

    I tried the switch and enabled logging. Unfortunately there is no performance improvement (and no errors in the logs). I guess there is nothing i can do.

    Thank you for the help !
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